Feb 2005The Gates, Central Park - New York City
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
In Feb 2005 they were promoting a unique sort of art exhibition in New York City: "The Gates". Not one to stay away from such things I checked out the Gates on Google before venturing a visit. Along the pathways that run through the entire park they had erected at every say 20 feet two poles about 10-12 feet high and suspended a cloth banner between the two poles.Something like the mandap that we have at the door for weddings in India.The poles were orange in color and the cloth was also a lovely golden orange with a textured feel.That's it! I read the handouts for the exhibition and thought where's the art?
So I went to Central park and that's when I experienced the art! For those of you who do not know,central park is vast,has lots of trees and encloses a lovely lake.In Autumn when I went the trees still had their leaves and the park was a riot of colours. However in February at the end of winter, beginning of spring the trees were denuded of their leaves,the lake was frozen,the lawns had dried up..and there was hardly any colour. Amidst the stark trees and the overcast grey sky I saw hundreds of orange banners gently swinging to the breeze. There's a small rock formation near the lake and if you stand on it you gain some elevation. So I looked around and just when my eyes had seen enough of grey and brown, bits of yellow-orange fluttering in the wind caught my attention, breaking the monotony!
There's no canvas here,no form as such, no story to tell, just color placed at the right positions so that your eyes just take in the whole view and viola transform it to art!